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to appear in Phys. Rev. B 

Phase dependent differential thermopower of SND junctions: Pair-breaking effects 

and Gaussian fluctuations 


Sergei Sergeenkovd and Marcel Ausloos 
SUPRAS, Institute of Physics, University of Liege, B-4000, Liege, 

(February 1, 2008) 











-I— > 





We start with revisiting our previous results on ther- 
moelectric response of SNS configuration in a C-shaped 
BixPhi-xSr2CaCu20y sample in order to include strong 
fluctuation effects. Then, by appropriate generalization of 
the Ginzburg-Landau theory based on admixture of s-wave 
(S) and d-wave (D) superconductors, we consider a differential 
thermoelectric power (TEP) of SND junction. In addition to 
its strong dependence on the relative phase 9 = (f)s — 4)4 be- 
tween the two superconductors, two major effects are shown 
to influence the behavior of the predicted TEP. One, based 
on the chemical imbalance at SD interface, results in a pro- 
nounced maximum of the TEP peak near 6 — -k 12 (where the 
so-called s -f id mixed pairing state is formed) for two iden- 
tical superconductors with Ted = T^s = Tc. Another effect, 
which should manifest itself at SD interface comprising an 
s-wave low- Tc superconductor and a d-wave high- Tc super- 
conductor with Ted ^ Tea, predicts Sp oc Ted — Tea for the 
TEP peak value. The experimental conditions under which 
the predicted behavior of the induced differential TEP can be 
measured are discussed. 

PACS numbers: 74.25.Fy, 74.80.Fp 


During the last few years the order parameter sym- 
metry has been one of the intensively debated issues in 
the field of high- Tc superconductivity (HTS). A number 
of experiments points to its (ij,2_j^2-wave character [nl. 
Such an unconventional symmetry of the order param- 
eter has also important implications for the Josephson 
physics because for a d-wave (D) superconductor the 
Josephson coupling is subject to an additional phase de- 
pendence caused by the internal phase structure of the 
wave function. The phase properties of the Josephson 
effect have been discussed within the framework of the 
generalized Ginzburg-Landau (GL) 0] as well as the tun- 
neling Hamiltonian approach [g[. It was found Q that 
the current-phase relationship depends on the mutual ori- 
entation of the two coupled superconductors and their in- 
terface. This property is the basis of all the phase sensi- 
tive experiments probing the order parameter symmetry. 
In particular, it is possible to create multiply connected 
d-wave superconductors which generate half-integer flux 
quanta as observed in experiments ^. Various interest- 
ing phenomena occur in interfaces of d-wave supercon- 

ductors. For example, for an interface to a normal metal 
a bound state appears at zero energy giving rise to a zero- 
bias anomaly in the /-^-characteristics of quasiparticle 
tunneling WM while in such an interface to an s-wave 
(S) superconductor the energy minimum corresponds to 
a Josephson phase different from or tt. By symmetry, a 
small s-wave component always coexists with a predom- 
inantly d-wave order parameter in an orthorhombic su- 
perconductor such as YBCO, and changes its sign across 
a twin boundary pjy]. Besides, the s-wave and d-wave 
order parameters can form a complex combination, the 
so-called s ± id-state which is characterized by a local 
breakdown of time reversal symmetry T either near sur- 
faces M-Ol or near the twin boundaries represente d by 
tetragonal regions with a reduced chemical potential [Q . 
Both scenarios lead to a phase difference of ±7r/2, which 
corresponds to two degenerate states ||lj,|l^. Moreover, 
the relative phase oscillations between two condensates 
with different order parameter symmetries could mani- 
fest themselves through the specific collective excitations 
("phasons") ^. 

At the same time, a rather sensitive differential tech- 
nique to probe sample inhomogeneity for temperatures 
just below Tc, where phase slippage events play an im- 
portant role in transport characteristics has been pro- 
posed |1^ and successfully applied Q for detecting 
small changes in thermoelectric power (TEP) of a spec- 
imen due to the deliberate insertion of a macroscopic 
SNS junction made of a normal-metal layer N, used to 
force pair breaking of the superconducting component 
when it flows down the temperature gradient. Analy- 
sis of the thermoelectric effects provides reasonable es- 
timates for such important physical parameters as the 
Fermi energy, Debye temperature, interlayer spacing etc. 
In particular, a carrier-type-dependent thermoelectric 
response of such a SNS configuration in a C-shaped 
BixPbi^xSr2CaCu20y sample has been registered and 
its temperature behavior below Tc has been explained 
within the framework of GL theory ||l^ . 

In the present paper, we consider theoretically the 
behavior of induced TEP at NS, ND, and SD inter- 
faces and discuss its possible implications for the above- 
mentioned type of experiments. The paper is organized 
as follows. In Section II we briefly review the experi- 
mental results for SNS configuration (with both hole- 
like and electronlike carriers of the normal-metal N in- 
sert) and present a theoretical interpretation of these re- 

suits, based on GL free energy functional, both below 
and above T^- The crucial role of the pair-breaking ef- 
fects (described via the chemical balance A/j, between 
the quasiparticles and Cooper pairs) in understanding 
the observed phenomena is emphasized. In Section III, 
extending the early suggested [|ll|Jl4| ] GL theory of an 
admixture of s-wave and d-wave superconductors to in- 
corporate strong pair-breaking effects, we calculate the 
differential thermopower AS' of SND configuration near 
Tc- The main theoretical result of this Section is the 
prediction of a rather specific dependence of AS* on rel- 
ative phase shift 9 — (j)s — (j^d between the two super- 
conductors. Two independent mechanisms contributing 
to the peak value Sp{6) = AS{Tc,9) of the differential 
thermopower are discussed. One, based on the chemi- 
cal balance between S and D superconductors at an SD 
interface (and responsible for charge-related interference 
effect), is discussed in Section IIIA. It results in a pro- 
nounced maximum of the peak Sp{9) near 9 = 7r/2 (the 
so-called s + id mixed pairing state) for two identical su- 
perconductors with Ted = Tcs = Tc- This mechanism 
can be realized, e.g., in a d-wave orthorhombic sam- 
ple (like YBCO) with twin boundaries which are rep- 
resented by tetragonal regions of variable width, with 
a reduced chemical potential. Another mechanism (dis- 
cussed in Section IIIB), which is active in the absence of 
the normal- metal layer, takes place when two different 
superconductors with T^d ^ Tcs are used to form an SD 
interface. This situation can be realized for an s-wave 
low-Tc superconductor (like Pb) and a d-wave high-T^ 
superconductor (like orthorhombic YBCO) and is shown 
to yield Sp{9) oc Ted — Tcs for predicted TEP peak value. 


A. Experimental setup and main results 

Before turning to the main subject of the present pa- 
per, let us briefly review the previous results concern- 
ing a thermoelectric response of SNS configuration in a 
C-shaped BixPhi-xSr2CaCu20y sample (see Ref.l9 for 
details). The sample geometry used is sketched in Fig.l, 
where the contact arrangement and the position of the 
sample with respect to the temperature gradient V^T 
is shown as well. Two cuts are inserted at 90° to each 
other into a ring-shaped superconducting sample. The 
first cut lies parallel to the applied temperature gradient 
serving to define a vertical symmetry axis. The second 
cut lies in the middle of the right wing, normal to the 
symmetry axis, separating two similar superconductors 
with 5" = S" = S or D and completely interrupting the 
passage of supercurrents in this wing. The passage of any 
normal component of current density is made possible by 
filling up the cut with a normal metal N. The carrier 
type of the normal-metal insert A'' was chosen to be ci- 
ther an electronlike Ne (silver) or holelike N^ (indium). 


'2 T 

7 6 5 

FIG. 1. Schematic view of the sample geometry with 
S'A5'"-junction and contacts configuration. Here S' and S" 
stand for s-wave and/or d-wave type superconductor. The 
thermopowers Sr and Sl result from the thermal voltages 
detected by the contact pairs 4 — 5 and 1 — 7, respectively. 

The measured difference between the thermopowers of 
the two halves AS* = Sr — Sl was found to approximately 
follow the linear dependence 



with slopes B' and B+ defined for T < T^ and T > T^, 
respectively. Here Sp = AS'(Tc) is the peak value of 
AS{T) at T = Tc. The best fit of the experimental 
data with the above equation yields the following val- 
ues for silver (Ag) and indium (In) inserts, respectively 
(see Fig.2): (i) Sp{Ag) = -0.26 ± 0.01/Lty/A', B-{Ag) = 
-0.16 ± O.l^y/if^ B-{Ag)/B+{Ag) = 1.9 ± 0.1; (ii) 
Sp{In) =0.83±0.01/iV"/A:, B-(/n) = 0.17± 0.1^^^/^:^, 
B- [In) I B+ [In) = 2.1 ± 0.1. 

B. Interpretation 

It is important to mention that, unlike the case of 
mixed SND configuration (considered in Section III), the 
suggested interpretation of the current experimental re- 
sults for SNS configuration does not involve the phase of 
the order parameter and hence is not sensitive (at least 
near Tc) to the pairing symmetry of the two supercon- 
ductors S" and S" . To describe the observed behavior 
of the differential TEP both below and above T^ we can 
roughly present it in a two-term contribution form [n9 20 

AS{T)^ASa.{T) + ASfi{T), 


where the average term ASav{T) is assumed to be non- 
zero only below Tc (since in the normal state the TEP of 
HTS is found to be very small ||2l|,||l) while the fluctu- 
ation term A5//(T) should contribute to the observable 

AS{T) for T ~ Tc- In what follows, we shall discuss these 
two contributions separately within a mean-field theory 
approximat ion . 

90 100 110 120 130 140 
Temperature (K) 

FIG. 2. The temperature dependence of the observed 
differential thermopower of SNS configuration defined by 
Eq.(l). The upper (lower) part of the picture refers to In 
(Ag) normal-metal insert in the right wing (see Fig.l). The 
asymmetric curved triangle shapes are approximated by lin- 
ear shapes produced by the linear fit to the data points (see 
the text for details). 

1. Mean value of the differential thermopower: ASav{T) 

Assuming that the net result of the normal-metal in- 
sert is to break up Cooper pairs that flow toward the 
hotter end of the sample and to produce holelike (In) or 
electronlike (Ag) quasiparticles, we can write the differ- 
ence in the generalized GL free energy functional AQ of 
the right and left halves of the C-shaped sample as 

Ag[i'] = ATiij] + A/xlV-l^ 



AT[^j] =Tr~Tl= a(r)|^p + ^IV 

A/i = [iB. - [i-L- 




Here ^ = li/jle*"^ is the superconducting order parameter, 
A[i accounts for the chemical balance between quasipar- 
ticles and Cooper pairs; a{T) = a{T — Tc) and the GL 
parameters a and f3 are related to the critical temper- 
ature Tc, zero-temperature BCS gap Aq = l.TG/csTc, 
the in-plane Fermi energy E'j^ = p'p/m'^ij, and the 
total particle number density n as a = /3n/2Tc = 
{AAokB / E'^){me/m'^ij) . In fact, in layered supercon- 

ductors, Afi ~ E'p c^ Jc/Ep, where E$, 


I In 

the out-of-plane Fermi energy and Jc the interlayer cou- 
pling energy within the Lawrence-Doniach model {"fm = 
m*/m'^i^ is the mass anisotropy ratio, and tti*^ ~ Srric for 
this material). 

As usual, the equilibrium state of such a system is de- 
termined from the minimum energy condition dQ/d\iJj\ = 
which yields for T < Tc 


ajTc -T)-Afi 


Substituting |'0oP into Eq.(3) we obtain for the average 
free energy density 

AniT) . AGi^Po] = _ K^--J)-^A^]^ (7) 


In turn, the difference of thermopowers 
be related to the corresponding difference 
entropies Act = -dAVt/dT as AS{T) = 
where q is the charge of the quasiparticles. 
the mean value of thermopower associated 
breaking event reads (below Tc) 

AS{T) can 
of transport 
Thus finally 
with a pair- 

Ajav\-L ) — i>p,av J^av[-'^c ^ ji 










Before we proceed to compare the above theoretical find- 
ings with the available experimental data (see Fig. 2), we 
first have to estimate the corresponding fluctuation con- 
tributions to the observable TEP difference, both above 
and below Tr. 

2. Mean-field Gaussian fluctuations of the differential 
thermopower: ASfi{T) 

The inffuence of superconducting fluctuations on trans- 
port properties of HTS (including TEP and electri- 
cal conductivity) has been extensively studied for the 
past few years (see, e.g., ||2^-|3^ and further references 

therein). In particular, it was found that the fluctuation- 
induced behavior may extend to temperatures more than 
lOK higher than the respective Tc. Let us consider now 
the region near Tc and discuss the Gaussian fluctuations 
of the pair-breaking-induced differential TEP ASfi{T). 
Recall that according to the theory of Gaussian fluctu- 
ations 1^^, the fluctuations of any observable, which is 
conjugated to the order parameter -0 (such as heat capac- 
ity, susceptibility, etc) can be presented in terms of the 
statistical average of the square of the fluctuation ampli- 
tude < ((5'0)^ > with Sip = ip — ipQ. Then the differential 
TEP above {+) and below (— ) Tc have the form of 



< (Si^)^ >= 

^ / d|V'|(<5V')2e-^[^l 



Here Z = J d\^\e ^^^'^ is the partition function with 
i;[V'] = (Agfij] - Ag[V'o])/fci3T. a is a coefficient to be 
defined below. Expanding the free energy density func- 
tional At/['0] 


Ae[^o] + I 






around the mean value of the order parameter -00 , which 
is defined as a stable solution of equation dQ /d\4!\ — 
we can explicitly calculate the Gaussian integrals. Due 
to the fact that |V'oP is given by Eq.(6) below Tc and 
vanishes at T > Tc, we obtain finally 







2a{T - Tc) + 2An' 

T <Tr 




Then the above equations bring about the following ex- 
plicit expression for the constant parameter A, namely 
A = {AA^/'ikBTc)Sp.av This in turn leads to the fol- 
lowing expressions for the fluctuation and total contribu- 
tions to peaks and slopes through their average counter- 
parts (see Eqs.(9) and (10)): 5*+^; = S'p = (2/3)5p,a^, 

Sp fi ~ — (l/3)5p,au, B^i = (l/3)i?ai., -Bj; = (2/3)i3a'u, 

B- = Bav + BJi = iA/3)Bav, and B+ = B+ = (2/3)Ba.. 
Thus, in agreement with the observations, B~ /B^ = 2 
independent of the carrier type of the normal-metal in- 
sert. Let us proceed to discuss separately the case of In 
and Ag inserts. 

a. N = In (holelike metal insert). In this case, the 
principal carriers are holes, therefore q = +e. Let the 
holclike quasiparticle chemical potential (measured rel- 
ative to the Fermi level of the free-hole gas) be posi- 
tive, then fiq = +11 and Afi = fi + 2fi = 3fi (two holes 
come from condensate and one hole is brought by normal 
metal). Therefore, for this case Eq.(l) takes the form 

AS'\T) = Spiln) ± B^{In){Tc - T), 




e J \ ksTc 




B-{In) ^ 

3eEfTc ' 

B+iIn)^-B-iIn). (21) 

b. N = Ag (electronlike metal insert). The principal 
carriers in this case are electrons, therefore q = —e. The 
electronlike quasiparticle chemical potential jiq = — /i. 
Then A^ = —^ + 2fi — /i (plus one electron means minus 
one hole). For this case Eq.(l) takes the form 

AS%T) = Sp{Ag) ± B^{Ag){Tc - T), (22) 


As we shall see below, for the experimental range of 
parameters under discussion, A^{Ep / Aq) ^ kB\Tc — 
T\. Hence, with a good accuracy we can approximate 
Eqs.(14) and (15) as follows 

























Furthermore, it is quite reasonable to assume that S = 

Op — Dp, wnerc j^ — ^p^av 

^pji ^^'^ ^p — ^pji- 


Ag) = - 




= - 



ikBTcJ ' 


B+{Ag) = -B-{Ag). (24) 

By comparing the obtained theoretical expressions with 
the above-mentioned experimental findings for the slopes 
B^ and the peak Sp values for the two normal-metal in- 
serts (see Fig. 2), we can estimate the order of magnitude 
of the in-plane Fermi energy E'j}' and interlayer coupling 
energy Jc. The result is: E'j}' ~ 0.16ey and Jc — 4:meV, 
in reasonable agreement with the other known estimates 
of these parameters pO| . In turn, using these parame- 
ters (along with the critical temperature), we find that 
Jc/ksAo ~ lOOK. This justifies the use of the linearized 

Eq.(16) for the temperature interval \Tc - T\ ■€. IQQK. 
As is seen in Fig. 2, the observed differential TEP practi- 
cally disappears already for \Tc — T\ > IQK. Moreover, 
as it follows from Eqs.(20) and (23), the calculated ratio 
for peaks \Sp{In)/ Sp{Ag)\ = 3 is very close to the cor- 
responding experimental value \S'jf^{In)/S'jf^{Ag)\ = 
3.2 ± 0.2 observed by Gridin et al |1^. Finally, as it 
follows from the above analysis, the calculated slopes 
B~ below Tc for the two metal inserts coincide with 
each other, namely B~{In) — —B~{Ag), and are twice 
their counterparts above Tc, i.e., B~{In) — 2B^{In) and 
B~{Ag) = 2B~^{Ag), in a good agreement with the ob- 
servations. It is worthwhile to note that a very similar 
behavior of the induced TEP (including peaks and slopes 
both above and below Tc) has been observed in strong ap- 
plied magnetic fields EG]. In fact, replacing the chemical 
potentials difference A/i (responsible for pair-breaking ef- 
fects in SNS junction) in the above equations by (IbH 
term (where fiB is the Bohr magneton and H the applied 
magnetic field) we recover most of the formulas presented 
in Ref.20 where magneto-TEP of Bi2Sr2CaCu20y su- 
perconductors was studied. 


Since Eqs.(3)-(5) do not depend on the phase of the 
order parameter, they will preserve their form for a 
DND junction (created by two d-wave superconductors, 
S' — S" = D, see Fig.l) as well, bringing about the 
results similar to that given by Eqs.(8)-(10). It means 
that the experimental method under discussion (and its 
interpretation) can not be used to tell SNS and DND 
configurations apart, at least for temperatures close to 
Tc- As for low enough temperatures, the situation may 
change drastically due to a markedly different behavior 
of s-wave and d-wave order parameters at T <^ Tc (where 
the node structure begins to play an important role). As 
we shall show below, this method, however, is quite sen- 
sitive to the mixed SND configuration (when S' = S has 
an s-wave symmetry while S" — D is oi a, d-wave symme- 
try type, see Fig.l) predicting a rather specific relative 
phase {9 = 4>s— (j)d) dependencies of both the slope B{d) 
and peak Sp{9) of the observable thermopower difference 


Following Feder et al |14|, who incorporated chemical 
potential effects near twin boundaries into the approach 
suggested by Sigrist et al ||ll| , we can represent the gen- 
eralized GL free energy functional AQ for SND configu- 
ration of the C-shaped sample in the following form 

Ag[i:s,H = Ag[^,] + Agi^jM] + Ag„t, (25) 


A(?[v^,] = ^(^)|v,p + %|v-,|^ 

Ag[M^Aa{T)\M^ + ^\i;d\\ 




Here ipn — IV'nle"^" is the n-wave order parameter (n ~ 
{s,d}); An(T) = a„(r) -|- A/x„ where a„(r) = a„(T - 
Ten) with the corresponding parameters a„, /3„, Ten, and 
Afin for s-wave and d-wave symmetries. 

An equilibrium state of such a mixed system is deter- 
mined from the minimum energy conditions ^g/^\^l>s\ = 
and dg/dlipdl = which result in the following system 
of equations for the two equilibrium order parameters ipso 
and ipdo 

As\iPso\ + /3s\^so\^ + r{e)\i,so\\i^do\^ -- 

Ad\4'do\ + M^dol^ + n0)\iPdo\\Ao\'' 

where we introduced relative phase 6 — 

= A(0)|V^o| 




7i + 72 cos 29 
- 6i + S2 cos 9 

bd dependent 

Notice that unlike chemical potentials difference A/x„ 
(which is responsible for pair-breaking effects in SND 
junction due to the normal-metal insert), the interference 
terms (5i_2 describe the chemical balance between s-wave 
and d-wave superconductors at SD interface in the ab- 
sence of a normal-metal layer. Therefore, the effects due 
to A/i„ ^ should be distinguished from the interference 
effects due to A{9) ^ 0. The latters are generically close 
to the interference effects between the two condensates 
and are described by the r(6') term. Notice also that the 
A{9) term favors 9 — lir {I integer), while the T{9) term 
favors 9 = wk /2 {n — 1,3,5...) which corresponds to a 
T- violating phase ||lj]. In principle, we can resolve the 
above system (given by Eqs.(29)-(31)) and find ipno for 
arbitrary set of parameters a„ , /3„ , and Ten ■ For simplic- 
ity, in what follows we restrict our consideration to the 
two limiting cases which are of the most importance for 
potential applications. 

A. Twin boundaries in orthorhombic d-wave 

1. Mean value of the differential thermopower: ASav{T,8) 

First, let us consider the case of similar superconduc- 
tors comprising the SND junction with [ipsol = iV'dol = 
IV^ol, as^ad = a, Ps = Pd = P, A/x^ = A^^ = A/i, and 
Tcs = Ted = Tc- This situation is realized, for example, 
in a d-wave orthorhombic sample (like YBCO) with twin 
boundaries which are represented by tetragonal regions 
of variable width, with a reduced chemical potential WM . 
In this particular case, Eqs.(29) and (30) yield for T < Tc 

l^oP - 

(3 + T{0) 


where A/i(0) = A/x — A{6). After substituting the thus 
found IV'o I into Eq.(25) we obtain for the gcnerahzcd equi- 
hbriuni free energy density 

An{T,e) = Ag[i^o]^ 


which in turn results in the following expression for the 
mean-field value of the thermopower difference in a C- 
shaped sample with SND junction (see Fig.l) 

ASav{T, 9) = Sp,avi9) - BaMiTc - T), 



^p,av\P) — 





(3 + Tie) 


P + T{d) 




2. Mean-field Gaussian fluctuations of the differential 
thermopower: ASfi (T, 6) 

Following the lines of Section II, we can present the 
fluctuation contribution to the differential TEP above 
(+) and below (— ) Tc as 

ASfiiT,9) = A{9)[< (#,)2 >± + < {di^df >± (37) 

+2 < S^psStpd >±], 

where, e.g.. 



d\^,\ / d\M{5^sfe-''^^-^-\ (38) 

Here Z — j d\ipg\ j' d\ipd\G~^^'^''^'^'^ is the correspond- 
ing partition function with S[^s,^c;] = {AQ[iIj g^ipd\ — 
A5[i/'s07 'fpdo]}/kBT. A{9) is a coefficient to be fixed later. 
Expanding the free energy density functional AQlipg, ipd] 

Agi^syipd] ~ Ag[^so,iPdo] 





\ips\ = \^sa\ 








around the mean values of the order parameters tpnOi 
defined as stable solutions of equations dg/d\ipn\ = we 
can explicitly calculate the Gaussian integrals to obtain 

< {S^Psf > =< {Hdf >- 




< SipsS^pd >-= - 




< {Si^sf >+ =< (S^Pdf >+ 



< dipsStl^d >+= 0, 




for the order parameters fluctuations below and above 
Tc, respectively. In principle, the above expressions 
completely determine the fluctuation contribution to the 
seeking TEP of SND contact in the presence of strong 
iV-metal induced pair-breaking effects. However, to com- 
pare it with the earlier calculated mean-field values, let 
us assume that [An{e)]{EF/Ao) > feslTc - T\. Then, 
with a good accuracy we can approximate Eqs.(40)-(42) 
as follows 

ASfi (T, 6) c, 5±^, (9) ± B% (9) (T, - T) , (44) 


SpJi((^) = - 








S;ji{9) = -2S;ji{9), B+i9)^2BJ^i9). (47) 

Again, requiring that Sp{9) = Sp{9) = Sp{9), where 

Sp - 


'^p — Sp,av + Spji and 5+ — S^j^, the above equations 


SqkBT^ [/? + Ti9)] 


for the above- introduced parameter (see Eq.(37)). This 
in turn leads to the following expressions for the fluctua- 
tion and total contributions to peaks and slopes through 
their average counterparts (Cf. Section II): St' fi = 

Op ^ [Zf ojOp,av^ O j;^ = [1/ o)Op,av: ^ fl ^ \^l ^)t>av: 

B+ = (2/3)Ba., B- - Bav + BJi - (4/3)Sa„, and 
B+ = B+ = {2/3)Bav Thus, the ratio B-{9)/B+{9) = 
2 remains universal showing no dependence on the rel- 
ative phase difference 9. As expected, completely ne- 
glecting the interference terms (when both r(6') ^- and 

A{9) -^ 0) we recover all the results of Section II for 
two independent order parameters. Finally, the differen- 
tial TEP of SND junction consisted of two superconduc- 
tors with similar critical parameters but markedly differ- 
ent pairing symmetries (like in a d-wave orthorhombic 
YBCO with s-wave tetragonal twin boundaries) reads 

AS{T,9) - Spi0) ± B^i0)iT, ~ T), 




6 + cos ( 

3gTc72 \ 7 -h cos 26* 


B-{9) =2B+{9) = 



'?>qTcl2 V7 + C0S26' 
Here 7 = (/3 -f 7i)/72 and 6 = (A^ + 5i)/52- 




FIG. 3. Predicted phase-dependent thermopower response 
of SND configuration in a C-shaped sample (see Fig.l). Solid 
and dashed lines depict, respectively, the relative phase 6 
dependence of the normalized slope B~ (6) / B~ (Q) and peak 
value Sp{d)/Sp{0) of the induced thermopower difference, ac- 
cording to Eqs.(50) and (51). 

Fig. 3 shows the predicted 6'-dependent behavior of the 
normalized slope B~{9)/B~{0) (solid line) and the peak 
Sp{9)/Sp{0) (dashed hue) of the fi-iVD-induced ther- 
mopower difference AS{T,9) just below Tc, for •y = S = 

2. As is seen, both the slope and the peak exhibit a max- 
imum for the s + id state (at 9 = 7r/2) and a minimum 
for the s — d state (at 9 ^ tt). Such sharp dependen- 
cies suggest quite an optimistic possibility to observe the 
above-predicted behavior of the induced thermopower, 
using the sample geometry and experimental technique 
described in Section II. Besides, when the pair-breaking 
effects (due to the normal-metal insert in SND junc- 
tion) are negligible (so that A/i = 0), Eqs.(49)-(51) will 
describe the differential TEP at the SD interface where 
the pair-breaking interference effects (governed by the 
A{9) term) will dominate its peak behavior. This situa- 
tion would allow one to get a more detailed information 
about the mixed pairing states and the introduced phe- 
nomenological parameters 71.2 and 61,2- 

B. Low- Tc s-w^ave superconductor and high- Tc d-wave 

Let us turn now to another limiting case and consider 
an SD interface formed by two different superconductors 
(with iV'sol ¥" iV'dol, as ^ ad, f3s ^ Pd, and T^s ^ Ted) in 
the absence of a normal-metal layer (which is responsible 
for pair-breaking effects). We shall also assume that the 
charge-related interference effects (governed by the A{9) 
term) are rather small and can be safely neglected. Thus, 
in this Section we consider the situation when A/i„ = 
and A(9) = 0. Such a situation can be realized for an s- 
wave low- Tc superconductor (like Pb) and a d-wave high- 
Tc superconductor (like orthorhombic YBCO) [yH]. In 
fact, the solution for this particular case is well-known. 
It has been discussed by Sigrist et al ||ll| in a somewhat 
different context. In principle, we can obtain both an av- 
erage and fluctuation contributions to the resulting TEP 
for this case, following the recipes of the previous Section. 
And in particular, it can be shown that the fluctuation 
contribution is still governed by expressions similar to 
the ones given by Eqs.(40)-(43) with an evident change 
in parameters, a — > a„ and (3 —^ (3n for s- and d-wave su- 
perconductors. Since, however, the correponding expres- 
sions are rather cumbersome, in what follows we restrict 
our analysis with the average values of the induced TEP 

Assuming Tcs < Ted, two temperature regions should 
be distinguished. 

a. T < T*{9). In this region, the corresponding ex- 
pressions for the equilibrium order parameters read (see 
Eqs.(29) and (30)) 



,2 (3dasiT)-r{9)ad{T) 



^^_ f3sad{T)-T{9)as{T) 
''^'°' " r^9)-(3s(3d ' 



where the transition point T* [6) , defined by the equation 
ipso{T*) = 0, is strongly ^-dependent and deviates from 
an s-wave critical temperature Tcs as follows 


asPd - adT{0) ' 


where ATc = Ted - Tcs- 

After substituting the solution given by Eqs.(52) and 
(53) into Eq.(25) we obtain for the average thermopower 



ASUt,0;ATc) = SI, 






BiM - 

OisPd ~Oid^{d)_ 

2asadT{e) - a^Pd - a^Ps 



Here N — UsUd/ {n 

h. T*{e) <T <Tcd 
Eqs.(29) and (30) 

2qN[T{e)^ - PsPd] ■ 

Ud) is a generalized carrier number 

In this region we obtain from 

IfAsol = 0, \iJdo\ 

adjTcd - T) 


for the equilibrium order parameters. And the resulting 
mean-field thermopower difference in this region is 


S" ( 

ATc) + Bii[T-T*{9)l (59) 

the predicted behavior of the induced thermopower at 
such SD interface using a low- Tc s-wave and a high- Tc 
d-wave superconductors (like, e.g., Pb and YBCO). 




cd cs 

FIG. 4. The ratio T*{9)/Tcs as a function of T^djTcs for 
different Q calculated according to Eq.(54). Solid, dashed, 
and dotted lines correspond to Q = -n i^s — d state), Q — 7r/2 
(s + id state), and 9 = n/4, respectively. 









Figure 4 depicts the ratio T*{6)/Tcs as a function of 
Tcd/Tcs for different 0. As we can see, for the chosen 
set of parameters (71 = 72 = /?« and Ud — n,,), in the 
mixed s + id pairing state (with 9 = 7r/2, dashed line) 
T*(7r/2) = Tcs for aU Tcd/Tcs- As it follows from Eqs.(56) 
and (57), this state is described by the following depen- 
dencies of the TEP peak and slope (below T*) 

S"^ C 

'-^p^av \ 





J- cs 









As it is evident from the above equations, in this regime 
the peak's amplitude Sp is entirely dominated by the crit- 
ical temperatures difference Ted — Tcs of the two super- 
conductors while the slope B is governed by the corre- 
sponding Fermi energies. It would be interesting to test 


In summary, to probe into the pairing state of high- 
Tc superconductors, we calculated the differential ther- 
mopower AS of SND junction in the presence of strong 
pair-breaking effects (due to the normal-metal layer N) 
and charge-related interference effects (due to the chem- 
ical imbalance at SD interface) using the generalized 
Ginzburg-Landau theory for an admixture of s-wave and 
rf-wave superconductors near Tc- The calculated ther- 
mopower was found to strongly depend on the relative 
phase 6 ~ (ps ^ (pd between the two superconductors (ex- 
hibiting a pronounced maximum near the mixed s + id 
state with 9 — 7r/2) and their critical temperatures. The 
experimental conditions under which the predicted be- 
havior of the induced thermopower could be observed 
were discussed. 


We thank J. Annctt, J. Clayhold and T.M. Rice for 
their interest in this work and very useful discussions. 
S.S. was financially supported by FNRS (Brussels, Bel- 
gium). M.A. was financially supported by the Minister of 
Education under contract No. ARC (94-99/174) of ULg. 

* e-mail: 
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